What are outplacement services?

Support for employees facing job loss

Outplacement services are a set of support and resources provided by organisations to assist employees who are facing job loss or transitioning out of the company. These services are typically offered as part of a severance package or as a form of support during a workforce reduction or restructuring. The primary goal of outplacement services is to help employees navigate the job market, find new employment opportunities, and transition smoothly into new roles. Here are some common components of outplacement services.

  • Career counseling: Outplacement services often include one-on-one or group sessions with career counselors or coaches who provide guidance on job search strategies, resume writing, interview techniques, and overall career planning.
  • Job search resources: These services offer access to resources such as job listings, job search platforms, and tools to help individuals identify and apply for suitable job opportunities.
  • Resume and LinkedIn profile assistance: Professional assistance in crafting and optimising resumes and LinkedIn profiles to make them more appealing to potential employers.
  • Interview coaching: Preparation for interviews, including mock interviews and feedback to help individuals improve their interview skills.
  • Networking support: Guidance on how to expand and leverage professional networks to find new job prospects.
  • Skill development: Access to training or courses to enhance job seekers' skills and qualifications, especially if they are looking to switch careers.
  • Emotional support: Outplacement services may provide emotional support and counseling to help employees cope with the stress and emotional challenges of job loss.
  • Job market insights: Information on current job market trends, salary expectations, and industry-specific insights to help job seekers make informed decisions.
  • Job placement assistance: Some outplacement services go a step further by actively helping individuals find new employment opportunities by connecting them with potential employers or job leads.

Outplacement services are typically offered by specialised firms or as part of a company's human resources (HR) strategy. They can be a valuable resource for both employees and employers. For employees, they can make the transition to a new job smoother, while for employers, providingTwhat outplacement services can help maintain a positive employer brand, reduce the impact of layoffs on remaining employees, and demonstrate a commitment to supporting their departing workers during difficult times.

For more information regarding outplacement, read Forbe's article on everything you need to know.

What are outplacement services?

Considering outplacement?

Considering outplacement?

Now that you have a better understanding of what outplacement services are, you should take a moment to check out our outplacement services.

Our experience in recruitment means we know the ins and outs of the job market and can provide candidates with solid career advice.

So, if you're considering making staff redundant and would like to provide them with personal and professional support, click the button below to learn more about our services.

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