DISC profiling

What is DISC profiling?

DISC profiling is a psychological assessment tool and behavioural theory used to understand and categorise human personality traits and behaviours. The term "DISC" is an acronym that represents four primary personality styles or dimensions:

  • Dominance (D): People with a dominant personality style tend to be assertive, competitive, and results-oriented. They are often seen as direct and decisive, valuing control and authority.
  • Influence (I): Individuals with an influential personality style are typically outgoing, enthusiastic, and people-oriented. They enjoy social interactions, are persuasive, and thrive on building relationships.
  • Steadiness (S): People with a steady personality style are known for their patience, calm demeanour, and cooperative nature. They value stability and are often dependable team players.
  • Conscientiousness (C): Those with a conscientious personality style are detail-oriented, analytical, and systematic. They prioritise accuracy, quality, and a structured approach to tasks and projects.

At 11 Recruitment, we provide DISC profiling to businesses that want to gain insights into the behaviour, communication styles, and work preferences of current or potential employees.

Click the button below for a free quote or call us on (08) 9225 6211 to learn more about our DISC profiling service.

What is DISC profiling Australia?

How DISC profiling Australia works

How DISC profiling works

If you choose to engage 11 Recruitment for DISC profiling, this is what you can expect to happen.

  • We send our DISC profiling questionnaire to your intended recipient - this questionnaire consists of 24 questions and should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
  • When the questionnaire has been completed, we receive confirmation.
  • We then generate the respondent's DISC report.
  • We download the DISC report and send it to you. We can also send you the respondent's answer to the questionnaire if requested.
  • For an additional fee, we can provide report interpretation and recommendations based on your specific circumstances.

DISC can help you and your team better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and communication preferences. This knowledge can be applied in various contexts, such as personal development, team building, leadership training, and conflict resolution. It can also be applied in a recruitment context, as part of your capability assessment process.

DISC report inclusions

The DISC report you receive will include information regarding the respondent's behavior, communication style, and work preferences based on their responses to the DISC profiling questionnaire.

If you choose to use our DISC profiling service, you will receive a DISC report consisting of the following sections.

Behavioural graphs

The DISC report begins with four graphs depicting different aspects of the respondent's behavioural profile, including their:

  • Working, personal, and public style - these describe the respondent's likely behaviour in different situations.
  • Work adaptation - this specifically describes how the respondent adapts their behaviour when working.

Explanation of graphs

Next is an in-depth explanation regarding each graph. This includes several sections consisting of one to two paragraphs describing the respondent's:

  • Behaviour at work (their working style).
  • Natural behaviour, which will most likely be the behaviour they exhibit while under pressure (their personal style).
  • Public behaviour and adaptations to the demands of daily life (their public style).
  • Adaptation of behaviour to meet the demands of work (their work adaptation).

Overview of working style preferences & key traits

Following this, there is a table summarising the respondent's working style preferences - including:

  • What they are all about - and what they will try to avoid.
  • How they are motivated.
  • Their communication style - and management style.
  • What questions they tend to ask.

This is followed by a list of key traits.

Explanation regarding the respondent's profile

Next, there is an in-depth explanation regarding the respondent's overall behavioural profile. This includes their:

  • Response to pressure.
  • Observable strengths and limitations.
  • Communication style.
  • Relationship dynamics.
  • Planning style.
  • Decision-making style.

It also includes a section on how to best manage the respondent.

Position suitability

Finally, the report describes the respondent's suitability for management, service, sales, and technical positions. This includes a description of why the respondent may or may not be suitable to work in each category, as well as a list of relevant key strengths.

It's important to note that while DISC profiling can provide valuable insights, it is just one of many personality assessment tools, and its accuracy and effectiveness can vary depending on the specific instrument and how it is used. It's often used in conjunction with other methods and should be interpreted and applied with care.

DISC report inclusions

Ongoing value of DISC profiling

At 11 Recruitment, our DISC profiling service can provide ongoing value to an organisation in several ways.

Improved communication

DISC profiling helps employees and teams better understand their communication styles and preferences. By recognising and adapting to the communication styles of colleagues, employees can reduce misunderstandings, conflicts, and improve the overall quality of communication in the workplace.

Enhanced team dynamics

By assessing the DISC profiles of team members, organisations can create more balanced teams. For example, a team with a mix of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness profiles can benefit from diverse perspectives and strengths, leading to better problem-solving and creativity.

Conflict resolution

When conflicts arise, understanding the DISC profiles of the parties involved can be beneficial. It allows for a more informed approach to conflict resolution, enabling managers and employees to address differences in a way that is more likely to lead to a positive outcome.

Personal development

DISC can be used for personal development plans. Employees can gain insights into their own behavioral tendencies, strengths, and areas for improvement. This knowledge can guide their personal and professional growth, leading to better job performance and job satisfaction.

Talent management

Organisations can use DISC profiling for talent management purposes, such as recruitment, selection, and succession planning. By matching job requirements with the DISC profiles of candidates and employees, organisations can make more informed decisions about job fit and potential for career advancement.

Leadership development

DISC can be valuable in leadership development programs. Identifying and developing leaders' strengths and addressing their weaknesses based on their profiles can help organisations build a stronger leadership team.

Conflict prevention

By using DISC profiling to proactively identify and address potential sources of conflict within teams, organisations can prevent conflicts from escalating and disrupting productivity.

Workplace engagement

When employees feel that their communication and working styles are understood and accommodated, they are more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their jobs. This can lead to higher retention rates and increased morale.

Organisational culture

DISC profiling can inform the organisation's culture and values. By understanding the predominant behavioral styles within the company, leaders can shape the culture to align with these styles, fostering a more harmonious work environment.


DISC can provide insights into how different team members approach decision-making. This knowledge can be used to structure decision-making processes that leverage the strengths and preferences of the team, leading to more effective and efficient decisions.

It's important to note that while DISC profiling can be a valuable tool, it should be used in conjunction with other assessment methods and not be the sole determinant for personnel decisions. Additionally, organisations should ensure that the use of DISC profiling is ethical, respects individual privacy, and complies with relevant legal regulations.

Ongoing value of DISC profiling Australia

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