Can I change my reference for a job?

It is generally acceptable to change your reference for a job. Your references should be individuals who can speak to your skills, work ethic, and qualifications, and it's not uncommon for people to update their references based on the specific requirements or preferences of a particular job application.

If you've listed someone as a reference but later feel that another person would provide a more relevant or favourable recommendation, you can make the switch. However, it's important to handle the situation professionally and communicate with the new reference beforehand to ensure they are willing and able to provide a positive recommendation.

Here are some steps to consider when changing your reference:

Contact the new reference

Before making any changes, reach out to the person you would like to add as a reference. Explain the context of the job application and ask for their permission. Provide them with information about the position and your qualifications so that they can speak knowledgeably about your abilities.

Inform the previous reference

If you've already provided the contact information for a reference and the potential employer might contact them, it's courteous to let the previous reference know about the change. You can explain your reasons for the change and express your gratitude for their support.

Update your application materials

If you've already submitted your application with the initial reference, update your resume or any other application materials to reflect the change in references. This ensures consistency in your application.

Notify the employer, if necessary

If you're in the interview process and have already submitted your references, you may want to inform the employer of the change, especially if they haven't contacted your references yet. You can do this through a polite email or during a follow-up interview.

Remember that your references play a crucial role in the hiring process, so it's essential to choose individuals who can speak positively about your qualifications and work history. Always maintain open communication with both the old and new references to ensure a smooth transition.

For more information regarding this topic, check out Seek's article on what you need to know about reference checks. Additionally, if you'd like more guidance on selecting your referees, click the button below to read our article on how to ask someone to be a referee.

Can I change my reference for a job?

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Are you looking for a job?

Now that you know whether you can change your reference for a job, you should take a moment to check our current vacancies page.

At 11 Recruitment, we have a range of white-collar temp and perm jobs available. We're always on the lookout for top talent to place with our clients, so we encourage you to apply for any positions that are of interest.

If none of our current vacancies are right for you, you should register for job alerts. Then we’ll be able to notify you when we receive a position that matches your profile.
