What to post on LinkedIn

This article is recommended for individuals at any stage of their careers

Showcase your expertise

When posting on LinkedIn, it's essential to share content that showcases your expertise, professionalism, and adds value to your network. Here are some ideas for posts that can help you engage with your audience and build your personal brand.

Professional achievements

Share updates about your recent accomplishments, awards, certifications, or milestones. Highlight how these achievements contribute to your industry or field.

Industry insights

Offer your unique perspective on current trends, challenges, or opportunities within your industry. Share thoughtful analysis or predictions that can spark discussions among your connections.

Success stories

Share success stories related to your projects, collaborations, or experiences that can inspire others and demonstrate your problem-solving abilities.

Tips & advice

Share useful tips, tricks, and best practices related to your area of expertise. This can be anything from productivity hacks to career development advice.

Book or article recommendations

If you've read a compelling book or came across an insightful article, share it with your network and briefly explain why you found it valuable. 

Thought-provoking questions

Pose questions to your audience that encourage meaningful discussions. This could be about industry-related challenges, changes, or new innovations.

Personal growth & learning

Share your experiences with attending workshops, webinars, or conferences, and talk about the key takeaways and how it's helping you grow professionally. 

Company culture & team highlights

If you're part of a company, share posts that highlight your team's achievements, events, or the company's culture and values.

Industry events & networking

If you attend industry events or conferences, take photos and share your key learnings and networking experiences.

Inspirational quotes

Share motivational quotes that resonate with you and align with your professional journey.

Volunteer work & community involvement

Highlight any volunteering or community service activities you're involved in, showcasing your commitment to making a positive impact beyond your profession.

Multimedia content

Mix up your posts with images, videos, or infographics to make your content more engaging and visually appealing.

Remember, consistency is key. Post regularly and engage with your audience by responding to comments and starting conversations. Also, keep your content professional, positive, and relevant to your industry or niche.

What to post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn post templates

Professional achievement

Excited to share that I [achievement / accomplishment]! Grateful for the support of my amazing team and mentors. This milestone reinforces my commitment to [industry / area].

#CareerSuccess #ProfessionalAchievement

Industry insight

Sharing my thoughts on [trend / challenge / opportunity]. The [industry] landscape is evolving rapidly, and I believe [your perspective]. What are your thoughts? Let's discuss!

#IndustryInsights #BusinessStrategy

Success story

Thrilled to share the success of our latest project [project name]. It was a challenging journey, but we overcame [obstacle] and achieved [result]. Proud of our team's dedication and hard work!

#SuccessStory #Teamwork

Tips & advice

One of the most effective [area of expertise] tips I've learned is [your tip]. It has significantly improved [desired outcome]. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!

#ProfessionalTips #CareerAdvice

Book or article recommendation

Just finished reading [book / article]. It offers great insights into [topic] and helped me rethink my approach to [aspect of work]. Highly recommend it to my fellow professionals!

#ReadingRecommendation #ContinuousLearning

Thought-provoking question

Curious to know what you think about [thought-provoking question]? Share your perspective in the comments below, and let's spark a meaningful discussion!

#IndustryQuestions #EngageYourNetwork

Personal growth & learning

Attending [workshop / conference] was a game-changer for my professional growth. I learned [key takeaway] and can't wait to implement it in my work. Never stop learning!

#PersonalGrowth #LifelongLearning

Company culture highlight

Proud to be part of [company]. Our culture fosters collaboration, innovation, and diversity. Grateful for the incredible team I work with every day!

#CompanyCulture #Teamwork

Industry event & networking

Had a fantastic time at [event / conference]. It was inspiring to meet like-minded professionals and discuss [key takeaway]. Looking forward to the next event!

#NetworkingEvent #IndustryConference

Inspirational quote

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs. This quote reminds me to stay true to my passion and purpose. What's your favourite inspirational quote?

#MondayMotivation #InspirationalQuotes

Are you looking for a job?

Are you looking for a job?

Now that you have a better understanding of what to post on LinkedIn, you should take a moment to check our current vacancies page.

At 11 Recruitment, we have a range of white-collar temp and perm jobs available. We're always on the lookout for top talent to place with our clients, so we encourage you to apply for any positions that are of interest.

If none of our current vacancies are right for you, you should register for job alerts. Then we’ll be able to notify you when we receive a position that matches your profile.

Christian Madsen

What are your thoughts?

I'd love to have a conversation with you about this topic - please leave a comment below if you have any thoughts or opinions 🙂

Christian Madsen

Managing Director of 11 Recruitment

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