Temporary employees

What is a temporary employee?

A temporary employee, also known as a temp, is an individual hired by a company or organisation for a limited duration, often to fulfill a specific short-term need. Temporary employment arrangements can vary in terms of the length of the assignment, which could range from a few days to several months. Temporary employees are typically brought on board to handle workload fluctuations, special projects, seasonal demands, or to cover for regular employees who are on leave.

Temporary employees may be sourced through staffing agencies that specialise in providing temporary workforce solutions. In such cases, the agency is the employer of record, and the temporary worker is assigned to client companies based on their specific needs.

Temporary employment offers flexibility for both employers and employees. Employers can quickly adjust their workforce based on business needs, while temporary workers have the opportunity to gain work experience, explore different industries, and maintain flexibility in their schedules. However, temporary employees often do not receive the same benefits and job security as permanent employees.

What is a temporary employee?

How to hire a temporary employee

How to hire a temporary employee

Hiring a temporary employee through a temp agency involves several steps to ensure a smooth and effective process.

Identify your staffing needs

Determine the specific role and responsibilities of the temporary employee. Define the duration of the assignment and any specific skills or qualifications required.

Research temp agencies

Look for reputable temp agencies that specialise in your industry or the type of job you're hiring for. Consider agencies with a good track record, positive reviews, and experience in placing temporary staff.

Contact & screen agencies

Reach out to potential temp agencies and discuss your staffing needs. Inquire about their screening and selection process for temporary employees, including background checks, skills assessments, and reference checks.

Negotiate terms

Discuss and negotiate the terms of the temporary employment, including the duration, hourly rate, and any other relevant details. Clarify the agency's fees and payment structure.

Submit a request

Provide the temp agency with a detailed job description, including the required skills, qualifications, and responsibilities. Specify the start date, duration, and any other relevant information.

Review candidates

The temp agency will present you with potential candidates who match your requirements. Review resumes, conduct interviews, and provide feedback to the agency.

Select a candidate

Once you've identified a suitable candidate, inform the temp agency of your selection. Discuss any additional details or requirements with the agency and the chosen candidate.


Work with the temp agency to complete any necessary paperwork for onboarding the temporary employee. Provide information about your company's policies, procedures, and workplace expectations.

Supervise & manage

Once the temporary employee is on-site, supervise their work and provide any necessary training or support. Communicate regularly with the temp agency to address any issues or concerns.

Evaluate performance

Regularly assess the temporary employee's performance and provide feedback to the temp agency. If needed, communicate any changes to the assignment or extend the duration based on your needs.

Conclude the assignment

When the temporary assignment is complete, coordinate with the temp agency to wrap up the employment. Provide feedback on the temporary employee's performance for future reference.

Remember to maintain open communication with the temp agency throughout the entire process to ensure a successful temporary staffing experience.

How to become a temporary employee

Becoming a temporary employee through a temp agency involves a few key steps. 

Research temp agencies

Look for reputable temp agencies in your area. You can also check local agencies that specialise in your industry.

Prepare your resume

Create a well-crafted resume that highlights your skills, work experience, and any relevant qualifications. Tailor your resume to showcase your flexibility and adaptability, which are essential qualities for temporary positions.

Submit an application

Visit the temp agency's website or go to their physical office to submit an application. Most agencies have an online application process where you can upload your resume and provide additional information.

Interview with the agency

If your application is accepted, the temp agency may schedule an interview with you. Be prepared to discuss your skills, work history, and your availability for temporary assignments. Treat this interview as seriously as you would for a regular job interview.

Skills assessment

Some temp agencies may conduct skills assessments to evaluate your proficiency in certain areas. This could involve tests or practical exercises related to the types of assignments they typically provide.

Complete onboarding process

If you pass the interview and any required assessments, you'll likely need to complete an onboarding process. This may include providing identification documents, signing contracts, and attending orientation sessions.

Communicate your preferences

Clearly communicate your preferences to the temp agency. Let them know the type of work you're interested in, your preferred work hours, and any specific industries or companies you'd like to work for.

Stay available

Be responsive to calls or emails from the temp agency. They often have short notice for assignments, so staying available increases your chances of being placed.

Be professional

Approach temporary assignments with the same level of professionalism as you would a permanent job. Punctuality, a positive attitude, and strong work ethic can lead to positive references and increased opportunities.


While on temporary assignments, network with colleagues and supervisors. This can lead to additional opportunities or even permanent positions if the company is hiring.

Remember, the specific process may vary depending on the temp agency and location. It's essential to read and follow the instructions provided by the agency and be proactive in expressing your availability and preferences.

How to become a temporary employee
