How to get a job in a music studio

Getting a job in a music studio requires a combination of education, networking, skills development, and persistence. Here are steps you can take to increase your chances of landing a job in this field.

Educational background

Consider formal education in music production, audio engineering, or a related field. Many studios prefer candidates with a solid educational background. Look for courses, diplomas, or degrees offered by reputable institutions or vocational schools.

Develop your skills

Acquire and hone your skills in music production, audio engineering, and studio equipment operation. You can do this through self-study, online courses, workshops, or by interning/volunteering at studios.

Build a portfolio

Create a portfolio that showcases your work. This can include recordings, mixes, and projects you've worked on. Having a strong portfolio is essential when applying for positions in a music studio.


Attend industry events, music conferences, and workshops to network with professionals in the music industry. Building connections can lead to job opportunities. Consider joining local music industry organisations or online communities.

Internship or volunteering

Interning or volunteering at a music studio is a great way to gain practical experience and make connections. Look for studios that offer internships or entry-level positions.

Apply for positions

Keep an eye on job boards, studio websites, and music industry job platforms for job openings. Apply for positions that match your skills and experience level. Entry-level positions may include studio assistant, runner, or junior engineer roles.

Prepare your resume & cover letter

Customise your resume and cover letter for each job application. Highlight relevant skills, experience, and your passion for music production.

Interview preparation

Be prepared for interviews. Be ready to discuss your experience, skills, and how you can contribute to the studio's success. Show enthusiasm for the studio's work and the music industry in general.

Work on soft skills

Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are crucial in a studio environment. Be sure to emphasise these skills in your applications and interviews.

Stay updated

Stay up-to-date with industry trends, software, and equipment. Music production is a constantly evolving field, and studios value candidates who are knowledgeable about the latest technology and techniques.


The music industry can be competitive, and landing a job in a studio may take time. Keep applying, improving your skills, and networking. Don't get discouraged by rejection.

Consider freelancing

While you're searching for a full-time studio job, you can also consider freelancing as a music producer or audio engineer. Freelancing can help you gain experience and build your portfolio.

Remember that the music industry is highly competitive, and success often comes with dedication and perseverance. Building a strong foundation of skills, experience, and connections will increase your chances of getting a job in a music studio in Australia.

While we don't typically have vacancies within music studios at 11 Recruitment, we do provide some free resources that may assist you in your job hunt. For example, you can click the button below to read our free ebook on how to write a great cover letter.

How to get a job in a music studio

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