Provide a first day induction
Just like you would with any other employee, you need to have an onboarding process for your temp.
On the first day of your temp’s assignment, you need to:
This will help to ensure that your new temp feels comfortable and is aware of your expectations.
If you’re hiring a temp through us, we’ll email a link to our induction checklist before their first day. That way you’ll know exactly what you need to cover!

Don't disregard them
While the expectations you have for your temporary employee may be different to the expectations you have for permanent staff, you shouldn’t treat them any differently!
A temp is hired to fill in gaps in your company, but that doesn’t mean you should be completely hands-off with them. Instead, you should:
This will help you get the most out of your temp employee.
Provide training
Your temp is an asset to your company, so any training you provide them with should not be seen as a waste of time.
Investing in a day or two of training at the beginning of the temp assignment will make a world of difference, as your temp will be more confident and better equipped to carry out their role. This will help to ensure that your temp serves as a benefit – not a hinderance – for the duration of their assignment.
Additionally, a lot of people use temp work to try out different industries before committing to a permanent role. As such, providing your temp with adequate training will allow them to grow within their career and develop more skills, bringing them one step closer to their dream job.
Ensure they are aware of who their supervisor is
Your temp needs to be aware of who they can go to whenever they require further instruction. No one likes waiting around or being confused, so extend your temp the same courtesy and set them up with the information in advance.
Consequently, according to The Pace Staffing Network, you also need to ensure that your temp’s supervisor is:
Aware of who to contact to discuss assignment changes.
Don't exclude them
Even though your temp may only be with you for a short period of time, you should treat them as you would any other employee and try to include them. For example, you might:
Even if they decline, they will still feel included and more like part of the team.
You should also include them in correspondences and meetings related to their jobs as this will give them the opportunity to provide input and ideas.
Going perm
If you are really happy with your temp’s performance, you may wish to offer them a permanent role. This is great! But you need to act fast and let them know as soon as possible that you are considering offering permanency or they may find a job elsewhere. A lot of temps use temp work to fill in the gap while they look to find full-time employment so will likely be looking for work through the duration of their assignment.
It is also important to let the agency you are working with know as soon as you decide you want your temp to go permanent. If you are looking for your temp to go permanent from the beginning, it is worth letting the agency know in advance as they can offer advice and ensure smooth and efficient placement.
Want to hire a top temp?
Now that you understand how to get the most out of your temp, you may be interested in learning more about 11 Recruitment's temp and casual recruitment services.
11 Recruitment is the leading agency for white-collar temp and casual staff. Our consultants fill assignments in Perth and throughout WA for various sectors, including:
We offer temp and casual staff for short-term and long-term assignments. Additionally, we provide cover for unexpected, annual and maternity leave. We also source top talent for temp-to-perm opportunities.
Unlike other agencies, we use custom recruitment software as well as a range of unique sourcing tools. We also have a comprehensive CV database of over 110,000 white-collar candidates. As a result, we can provide reliable temp and casual staff within short timeframes.
Click the button below to learn more about how 11 Recruitment sources top temp and casual talent for businesses throughout WA.
What are your thoughts?
I'd love to have a conversation with you about this topic - please leave a comment below if you have any thoughts or opinions 🙂
Christian Madsen
Managing Director of 11 Recruitment