What does working from home as an 11 Recruitment temp look like for you? It could range from an established home office to making do with a temporary setup in a limited space. Whatever your situation, we have compiled some simple steps for working from home for temps based on advice from the Australian Government that you can take to make working from home a productive and healthy experience.
Your home office
When working from home it is important that you try to find a dedicated and comfortable spot to work that you can associate with your job and leave when you’re done for the day. It’s essential to "go home", even when you’re already there.
It is important that you ensure this workstation is set up properly. This includes making sure your desk and chair are at a suitable height for good posture, your workspace is uncluttered, and the area you are working in is well lit.
Talk to your manager about accessing any of the ergonomic equipment you need, before you start working from home.
Remember, work health and safety duties still apply when working from home. You can download the working from home checklist from Comcare by clicking the button below.
Stay connected
Working from home can get lonely, that is why it is important to maintain contact with your colleagues. Schedule regular social video chats with your colleagues to help maintain opportunities for social interaction that you would normally have in the workplace. Check-in on each other.
Find a balance in how much media coverage of the pandemic you’re exposed to. It’s important to stay up to date with official information and trusted news sources but, you should try to restrict looking at the news to a few times a day.
Workplace communication
Before working from home, establish a communication schedule for speaking with your manager and colleagues. The frequency of the schedule should match your interaction in the office and should be convenient for all parties involved. These can be a combination of one-on-one with your manager or daily and weekly meetings with your manager and colleagues.
Identify the most appropriate and efficient uses for different communication channels to support your work and how you stay connected. What is suitable for you and your job can be different to others, so try the options available to you and find the combination that works. Some options could include: collaborative sites, email, phone, team chats, instant messenger and file exchange.
Maintain a routine
Create a schedule and try to stick to something that’s at least similar to what your normal working day looks like. Decide on the times you will start and finish work each day and discuss this with your manager. Make sure friends, family and colleagues are aware of your work schedule. Let your family and friends know they can’t interrupt you during your work times and let colleagues know your working hours.
Set regular times to speak with your manager and team members. Segment your day and work in chunks of time. It can help to set a timer and when the timer goes off stand up, walk around and get some fresh air. Make sure you take a proper lunch break and set aside time for exercise
Set goals and follow a to-do list to keep yourself on track. Make sure what is on your to-do list fits your team's goals and objectives. Keeping tasks relevant and staying in touch with the team will help your motivation and increase your productivity.
Work-life balance
When working from home it can be difficult to keep your home-life and work-life separate. Working from home blurs the line between work and personal life and it’s important to maintain that boundary as much as you can. Define your space and keep your workspace as physically separate as possible.
Get ready for work the same way you would when going
into the office, and stick to the work schedule/plan you have agreed to with your manager. Try not to do home activities during your work hours. This can be an easy distraction to fall into while working from home. On the flipside, also avoid doing work outside of your work hours. When your work hours end, stop work.
Maintain a dialogue with your manager about flexibility around working hours. Are your hours fixed? Or can you adjust them to allow for home-life demands?
Don't forget that work health and safety duties still apply when working from home. You can download the WHS checklist by clicking the button below.