Struggling to recruit high achievers?

Rethink your sourcing strategy

If you are struggling to recruit top talent or high achievers, you may need to rethink your sourcing strategy.

Top performers do not look for new opportunities like most other people do. As such, you cannot source them using the same strategy you would use for others.

Many businesses only target active candidates by posting a vacancy on SEEK or by asking a recruitment agency whether they have anyone available.

This limits the size of the talent pool, as active candidates only account for about 20% of the total talent market.

The remaining 80% is comprised of passive candidates who are not actively seeking a new opportunity.

Despite not being active in the job market, many passive candidates are willing to have a conversation about a true career move. However, reaching out to and communicating with these candidates requires a different approach, as they need to be inspired.

This is where video job advertising comes in.

Video job ads make opportunities visual and exciting. As a result, they increase the likelihood of a high achiever wanting to find out more.

So, if you're not attracting the high achievers you are looking for, it might be time to try video advertising.

Recruit top talent

Recruit top talent
