HSE management policy

Policy statement

11 Recruitment is committed to proper management of Occupational Health and Safety (HSE) which ranks equally with all other operational considerations. It is the aim of 11 Recruitment to minimise the risk of injury and disease to our employees and other people visiting 11 Recruitment by adopting a planned and systematic approach to the management of HSE and providing resources for its successful implementation and continuous improvement.


The objectives of the HSE Policy are to ensure:

  • Hazards and risks to health and safety are identified, assessed and where they cannot be eliminated are effectively controlled.
  • Measures to control hazards and risks to health and safety are regularly monitored and evaluated.
  • Employees are consulted and encouraged to contribute to the decision-making process on HSE matters affecting their health and safety at work.
  • All managers, supervisors and employees receive appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision they need to safely carry out their responsibilities.


11 Recruitment will achieve its HSE objectives by developing and implementing appropriate policies and procedures to guide employees in carrying out their responsibilities in:

  • Identifying hazards and risks to health and safety associated with tasks and activities carried out.
  • Assessing the degree and level of risks arising from hazardous tasks or activities.
  • Selecting, implementing and maintaining appropriate measures to control risks to health and safety.
  • Identifying, developing and providing appropriate information and training to employees to allow them to meet their responsibilities.
  • Developing, implementing and monitoring plans to put 11 Recruitment’s health and safety policies and procedures into effect.

Roles & responsibilities


The Managing Director, as the Responsible Officer, has the overall responsibility to provide a safe workplace for employees and will ensure adequate resources are provided to meet the health and safety objectives and implement strategies. In particular, the Responsible Officer will ensure:

  • Appropriate health and safety policies and procedures are developed and implemented to enable the effective management of health and safety and control of risks to health and safety.
  • Mechanisms are provided to regularly monitor and report on health and safety performance.
  • Consultants are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively enable them to carry out their health and safety responsibilities.
  • Mechanisms are provided to enable the assessment of consultants’ health and safety knowledge and performance.

The Operations Manager has the responsibility for coordinating 11 Recruitment’s management of health and safety on behalf of the Responsible Officer. This includes the development and implementation of health and safety policies and procedures and providing information to employees on health and safety.


All employees (casual or permanent) have a responsibility to take care to protect their own health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of any other person. All employees (casual or permanent) have a responsibility to:

  • Report any incident or hazards at work to their manager (and 11 Recruitment if on a Host Employer site).
  • Carry out their roles and responsibilities detailed in the relevant health and safety procedures.
  • Obey any reasonable instruction aimed at protecting their health and safety while at work.
  • Use any equipment provided to protect the health and safety while at work.
  • Assist in the identification of hazards and the implementation of risk control measures.


Temp Consultants have an added responsibility to take all reasonable steps to ensure potential risks to their casual employees have been controlled by the client. This includes:

  • Gathering information about the job to be performed by the casual employee.
  • Gathering information about the skills and competencies required to do the job.
  • Conducting a worksite visit.
  • Ensure clients/host employers agree to provide a safe and healthy work environment..
  • Ensure clients/host employers induct casual employees into their site and to provide training on safe working practices at the site.

Policy review

The HSE policy will be reviewed annually or as required to assess the effectiveness of the policy and associated procedures.

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