Thanks for submitting your CV

Thank you for submitting your CV to 11 Recruitment. Your information has been securely stored in our database.

When we receive a new vacancy, we will search our database to identify any potential candidates. If we believe you may potentially be a good match for the role, we will reach out to you for a conversation. This will be your opportunity to learn more about the position, so you can start thinking about whether it's the right fit for you.

Given the high volume of CVs we receive, we encourage you to continue applying for vacancies that interest you. This will ensure that you are considered for the positions you are passionate about. Plus, it will allow you to write a tailored cover letter highlighting your enthusiasm and suitability.

To assist you with this, we will email you whenever we have a new job available that matches your preferences. If the role piques your interest, you can click the button in the email to learn more and apply.

We will also send you a fortnightly email with our top roles for the past two weeks.

For additional support in your job search, we recommend you explore our job-hunting blogs by clicking the button below. In it, we address a variety of topics encompassing the entire job-hunting journey, from teaching you how to identify potentially suitable vacancies that could be of interest to you, to providing advice on how to craft a standout CV and cover letter. We also give practical insight on how to excel in screening calls and job interviews, ensuring you are fully prepared for each step of the process.

From the team at 11 Recruitment, we wish you good luck in your job search!

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Open the file and then click save and close to add our details to your contacts.
