Induction to 11 Recruitment

Welcome to 11 Recruitment!

Welcome and thank you for becoming an 11 Recruitment temp. As part of your induction to our agency, please read and action the information below and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Before your assignment

Action the email from Temp Desk

The email you received from Temp Desk linking you to this page also includes the following tasks for you to action:

Review your assignment details:

Click the link in the email to review your assignment. Please read your assignment details carefully and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Complete the OH&S requirements:

As an 11 Recruitment temp, you will be exposed to a variety of workplaces throughout your employment with us. Regardless of where you are working, you are obligated to protect your health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of others.

Depending on whether you've previously temped with us, you may be required to complete an OH&S quiz. You must pass this quiz before commencing your assignment.

If your assignment involves a WFH component, you will also be asked to complete a WFH checklist to ensure your home office environment is set up appropriately.

Action the email from Accounts

You will also receive an email from 11 Recruitment's Accounts office. This email will include a link to Astute, where you will be asked to provide your:

  • Personal details - including your mobile, email and date of birth
  • Payroll details - including your TFN, super and bank account
  • Postal address
  • Emergency contact details
  • Working rights (e.g., a copy of your VISA/VEVO check)

You will also be asked to complete our workers' compensation and injury management declaration.

In addition to this, you may be asked to provide proof of role-specific requirements (e.g., police clearance, working with children check, NDIS, etc.). Please note that, while some host employers may reimburse you for obtaining role-specific requirements, others will require you to claim them back on tax.

Save 11 Recruitment's contact details

Before commencing your assignment, please save the following details in your phone:

  • The phone number of the 11 Recruitment consultant you've been working with
  • 11 Recruitment's office number - (08) 9225 6211
  • 11 Recruitment's temp desk email address -

During your assignment

Complete your first-day induction

At 11 Recruitment, we have a joint obligation with your host employer to ensure you are appropriately inducted into the workplace. On your first day, either your on-site manager or your host employer's safety representative will complete our induction checklist with you before you commence any of your duties.

If your first-day induction does not take place, please call your 11 Recruitment consultant to let them know as soon as possible.

Save your host employer's contact details

On your first day, it is important to save your host employer's phone number - as well as the phone number of the person you will be reporting to - in your phone. These details should be provided to you either during or immediately after your first-day induction.

Complete your weekly timesheet

Throughout your assignment, you will complete a weekly timesheet through Astute. Timesheets must be submitted before 10 am on a Monday - they will then be approved by the person you report to. Pay day is Wednesday however, depending on the bank you are with, it may not clear until Thursday morning. Late timesheets will not be processed until the following week.

Familiarise yourself with our reporting procedures

Running late or unable to attend your assignment:

If you're running late or are unable to attend work for any reason, please call your 11 Recruitment consultant. If you don't have their direct number, you can call our office on (08) 9225 6211. If it's before working hours, leave a voicemail message or email

If, for whatever reason, you are unable to get in touch with your 11 Recruitment consultant, you can contact the person you are reporting to instead.

Concerns, hazards, incidents & injuries:

If you have any concerns regarding your assignment - or - if there are any hazards, injuries or incidents contact your 11 Recruitment consultant immediately. If you don't have their direct number, you can call our office on (08) 9225 6211. If it's before working hours, leave a voicemail message or email

Depending on what has taken place, your host employer may also have a hazard/incident reporting procedure you must follow. They will inform you of this procedure during your first-day induction.

Changes to duties:

Any changes to your assignment (job duties, location, equipment, etc.) should be communicated by your host employer to 11 Recruitment before they take place. If any changes take place and you're not sure whether 11 Recruitment is aware of them, please call your 11 Recruitment consultant. If you don't have their direct number, you can call our office on (08) 9225 6211. If it's before working hours, leave a voicemail message or email

After your assignment

Finishing or extending your assignment

Some assignments are fixed (i.e., they cover a specific length of time and have a set end date), while others are ongoing. Additionally, some fixed assignments may be extended or ceased early depending on internal changes within the host employer's organisation. 

Throughout your assignment, your 11 Recruitment consultant will keep you updated regarding any potential changes to your assignment's duration.

Temp-to-perm opportunities

Please note that 11 Recruitment is classified as a small business and is therefore not obligated to offer you the option to convert to full-time or part-time (permanent) employment. However, we do encourage our clients to do so.

Further assignments

Once you have finished your temp assignment, you will still be registered as an 11 Recruitment temp. This means we will keep your details on file and may contact you in the future if we receive a temp role you may be interested in. 

Once again thank you for your commitment to this position and best of luck with the assignment! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
