How to get your dream job

This article is recommended for individuals near the beginning of their careers

Christian Madsen

Written by Christian Madsen

Managing Director of 11 Recruitment

Where do you even start?

Having spent years in the field of recruitment, I have seen many individuals struggle to find their dream job. This may be due to one or more of the following factors.

Unclear career goals

If a person is unsure about their career goals or hasn't identified their passions and strengths, it can be challenging to narrow down the search for a dream job.

Lacking skills or qualifications

If you lack the skills or qualifications required for your dream job, you may need to pursue additional education, training, or gain experience in a related field.

Limited opportunities

Facing limited job opportunities in the current job market or geographical location can minimise your options and make it more difficult to secure the desired position.

Competitive job market

Highly sought-after positions often attract a large number of qualified candidates, making the job market competitive. Standing out among other applicants can be a significant challenge.

Financial constraints

Pursuing a dream job may require financial investment in terms of education, certifications, or relocation. Financial constraints can hinder someone from taking the necessary steps to achieve their career goals.

Networking challenges

Building a professional network is crucial in job hunting. Some individuals may struggle with networking, whether due to introversion, lack of connections, or social anxiety.

Balancing passion & practicality

Sometimes, the dream job may not align with practical considerations such as salary, benefits, or job stability. Finding a balance between passion and practicality can be a difficult decision.

Fear of failure or rejection

Fear of rejection or failure can hold individuals back from applying to their dream jobs or pursuing unconventional career paths. Overcoming this fear is crucial for taking risks and seizing opportunities.

Changing industry trends

Industries and job requirements can evolve due to technological advancements or shifting market demands. Adapting to these changes may be necessary to secure a dream job.

Work-life balance concerns

Certain dream jobs may come with demanding work schedules or high levels of stress. Balancing personal life and work commitments can be challenging in such cases.

Lacking experience

Entry-level positions in dream industries may require some level of prior experience. Breaking into the field without relevant experience can be a hurdle for many job seekers.

In this guide, I'll address each of these factors so you can get one step closer to landing your dream job.

Where do you even start?

How to set clear career goals

Setting both long-term and short-term career goals is crucial for planning your professional development and achieving success in your chosen field. Here's a guide on how to set these goals.

Long-term goals

Define your vision

Start by envisioning where you want to be in your career in the long term. What is your ultimate goal? This could be reaching a specific position, starting your own business, or achieving a certain level of expertise.

Consider your values

Align your long-term goals with your values. Consider what is important to you in terms of work-life balance, job satisfaction, and personal growth.

Assess your skills & interests

Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, skills, and interests. Your long-term goals should capitalise on your strengths and passions.

Research & plan

Investigate the skills, qualifications, and experiences required for your long-term goals. Create a step-by-step plan on how to acquire these over time.

Set a timeline

Long-term goals often span several years. Set a realistic timeline for achieving your objectives, considering the time it takes to gain the necessary qualifications or experience.

Break it down into milestones

Divide your long-term goal into smaller, manageable milestones. This makes the process more achievable and helps you track your progress.

Stay adaptable

Be open to adjusting your long-term goals as your career evolves. Changes in the industry or personal circumstances may require adjustments to your original plan.

Short-term goals

Identify immediate needs

Assess your current situation and identify what you need to accomplish in the short term. This could include developing a specific skill, completing a project, or networking.

Align with long-term goals

Ensure that your short-term goals contribute to your long-term vision. They should serve as stepping stones toward your ultimate career objectives.

SMART criteria

Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) to set clear and realistic short-term goals.


Determine which short-term goals are most urgent or impactful. Prioritising helps you focus on what matters most at any given time.

Create an action plan

Break down each short-term goal into actionable steps. This makes the goals more manageable and provides a roadmap for success.

Regularly review & adjust

Periodically review your short-term goals to ensure you're on track. Adjust them as needed based on changes in your circumstances or career landscape.

Celebrate your achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate the completion of short-term goals. Recognising your accomplishments boosts motivation and provides a sense of progress.

Remember that setting and achieving career goals is an iterative process. Regularly reassess your goals and adjust them as needed to stay aligned with your evolving career path. For more information on this topic, click the button below to read my article on how to determine your career goals.

How to set clear career goals

How to pursue additional skills & qualifications

Pursuing additional skills and training relevant to your dream job is a proactive and essential step in career development. Here are some steps you can follow.

Research requirements & find the gaps

Investigate the industry and job market to understand the latest trends, technologies, and qualifications. Look at job postings for your dream job to identify the most sought-after skills.

Following this, you can assess your current skills and compare them to the requirements of your dream job. Identify the gaps between your existing skills and the skills needed for the desired position. 

Set clear goals

Establish short-term and long-term goals for acquiring the necessary skills. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps.

Explore courses, events & resources

Identify reputable online platforms offering courses and certifications relevant to your target skills. Platforms like Coursera, edX, Udacity, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses.

You should also explore and participate in workshops, seminars, and conferences related to your field of interest and take advantage of resources provided by professional organisations, industry associations, and career development centres.

Seek mentorship

Connect with professionals who are already in your dream job or industry. Seek mentorship to gain guidance on the skills needed and the best ways to acquire them.

Gain practical experience & build a portfolio

Practical experience is often highly valued by employers, so I recommend you apply your skills in real-world projects or internships. Once you've got some experience under your belt, create a portfolio showcasing your projects and achievements. You can include this portfolio in your resume and online profiles to demonstrate your skills.

Network & seek feedback

Networking at such events can also provide valuable insights and connections. Connect with professionals in your desired field through networking events and online platforms like LinkedIn. Seek feedback on your progress and areas for improvement.

Stay updated & adapt

Follow industry news, blogs, and forums to stay informed about the latest developments. Continuous learning is crucial in dynamic fields. Be flexible and willing to adapt your skill development plan based on feedback and changing industry demands.

Remember that the journey to your dream job is a continuous process of learning and improvement. Stay persistent, adapt to changes, and be open to new opportunities that arise along the way. For more information on this topic, click the button below to read my article on how to upskill.

How to pursue additional skills & qualifications

What to do if you're facing limited opportunities

What to do if you're facing limited opportunities

Facing limited job opportunities in your current job market or geographical location can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can consider to improve your situation. Here are some suggestions.

Skill development & continuous learning

Identify in-demand skills in your industry or related fields. Take online courses, attend workshops, or pursue certifications to acquire new skills. Highlight your expanded skill set on your resume and in job applications.

Attend workshops, conferences, and training programs to stay updated on industry trends. Engage in continuous learning to remain competitive in your field.


Attend industry events, seminars, and networking functions to meet professionals in your field. Use online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals and join relevant groups. Inform your network about your job search and ask for advice or referrals.

Consider remote work & relocation

Consider exploring remote work options, which can broaden your job search beyond your immediate location. Look for companies that offer remote work or consider freelancing opportunities.

You should also assess whether moving to a different city or region with better job prospects is a viable option for you. Research job markets in other locations and consider the cost of living and lifestyle factors.

Freelancing & contract work

Explore short-term freelance or contract opportunities to gain experience within your chosen field and build your portfolio. Freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer can be a good starting point.

Consider small businesses & startups

Small businesses and startups may have more flexible hiring processes. Look for opportunities where you can contribute to the growth of a smaller company.

Remember, persistence is key in a challenging job market. Stay proactive, continually refine your approach, and be open to exploring new opportunities and industries. Networking and staying connected with professionals in your field can often lead to unexpected job opportunities. For more information on this topic, click the button below to read my article on jobs that are in demand in Australia.

How to succeed in a competitive job market

Finding your dream job in a competitive job market can be challenging, but with strategic planning and persistence, you can increase your chances of success. Here are some steps you can take to navigate the job market and land your dream job.

Upgrade your skills

As I've discussed previously in this article, it's important to stay updated with industry trends and acquire the necessary skills for your dream job. This may involve taking courses, obtaining certifications, or gaining relevant experience.


Build and expand your professional network. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with professionals in your desired field. Networking can open up opportunities that may not be advertised. I go into this topic in more detail a bit later on in this article.

Create a standout resume & cover letter

Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Use keywords from the job description to increase your chances of passing through applicant tracking systems. Read my articles on how to write a cover letter and how to improve your resume for further assistance.

Online presence

Develop a strong online presence by updating your LinkedIn profile and creating a professional portfolio or personal website. Showcase your achievements and contributions. For a step-by-step guide on setting up your LinkedIn profile, I recommend you read my article on how to get a job using LinkedIn. You may also be interested in my article on things to avoid on social media.

Research companies

Identify companies that align with your values and goals. Research their culture, values, and work environment to ensure they are a good fit for you.

Apply strategically

Quality is more important than quantity. Instead of applying to every available job, focus on positions that closely match your skills and interests. Tailor your application for each position. I go into this topic in more detail in my article on what jobs you should apply for.

Prepare for interviews

Practice common interview questions and be ready to discuss your experiences and accomplishments. Research the company thoroughly to demonstrate your interest and knowledge during the interview. Read my article on how to ace a job interview for further guidance. 

Showcase your achievements

Highlight your achievements and quantifiable results in your resume and during interviews. Employers are often interested in how you can contribute to their success.

Be adaptable

Be open to adjusting your expectations. Your dream job might not be available immediately, so consider similar roles or industries that can serve as stepping stones.

Be persistent & patient

Job searching can be a lengthy process. Stay persistent, stay positive, and be patient. Set realistic expectations and celebrate small victories along the way.

Use job search platforms

Explore job search platforms, company websites, and professional associations to find relevant job openings. Set up job alerts to stay informed about new opportunities.

Remember, finding your dream job often requires time and effort. Be proactive, stay determined, and continuously refine your approach based on feedback and experiences. For more information regarding the job market, click the button below for my latest Australian job market update.

How to succeed in a competitive job market

How to combat financial restraints

How to combat financial restraints

Navigating a job search with financial constraints can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can consider to overcome these obstacles.

Explore free & low-cost learning resources

Take advantage of online platforms that offer free or affordable courses, such as Coursera, edX, Khan Academy, and LinkedIn Learning. Many universities and organisations also provide free educational content. Look for open educational resources and free textbooks that cover the skills or knowledge you need.

Use public libraries

Public libraries often provide access to a variety of educational materials, including books, online resources, and sometimes even free courses or workshops. Explore what your local library has to offer.

Networking & informational interviews

Networking doesn't always require membership fees. Attend local meetups and networking events, or use online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your field of interest.

Conduct informational interviews with people in your desired industry. Learn about their experiences, gather advice, and explore potential opportunities.

Volunteer & internship opportunities

Offer your services as a volunteer or intern to gain practical experience. Some organisations may not pay, but the experience can be valuable for building your skills and resume.

Freelancing & gig economy

Explore freelance or gig opportunities in your field. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and TaskRabbit can be good starting points. This allows you to earn income while gaining experience.

Government & community programs

Check if there are government-sponsored programs, community initiatives, or non-profit organisations that assist in skill development or job placement.

Negotiate flexible payment plans

Some educational institutions or certification programs may offer flexible payment plans. Reach out to them and inquire about options that can ease the financial burden.

Financial assistance & scholarships

Look for scholarships, grants, or financial assistance programs that can help cover the costs of education or training. Some organisations offer assistance based on financial need.

Budgeting & financial planning

Create a detailed budget to manage your finances effectively. Identify areas where you can cut expenses and allocate resources to your job search and skill development.

Online communities & forums

Participate in online communities and forums related to your industry. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and learn from the experiences of others. This can be a valuable source of knowledge and networking.

Remember that persistence and resourcefulness are key during challenging times. Stay focused on your goals, leverage available resources, and be proactive in seeking opportunities for growth and development.

How to face networking challenges

Improving networking skills can be challenging, especially for individuals dealing with introversion, a lack of connections, or social anxiety. However, it's possible to develop and enhance these skills with practice and patience. Here are some tips to help you get better at networking.

Set realistic goals

Start small and set achievable networking goals. For instance, aim to introduce yourself to one new person at an event or join a small discussion group. Gradually increase the complexity of your goals as you become more comfortable.


Practice is key to overcoming anxiety. Practice your elevator pitch, introduction, and common small talk scenarios. You can rehearse with friends or family, or even in front of a mirror. The more you practice, the more confident you'll become. If you don't know where to start, check out my article on questions to ask while networking.

Build online connections

Networking doesn't have to be confined to face-to-face interactions. Use online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your industry. Engage in conversations, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions to expand your virtual network.

Attend small events

Large networking events can be overwhelming. Start with smaller gatherings or workshops where the setting is more intimate. This allows for more meaningful interactions and can be less intimidating for introverts.

Listen actively

Focus on listening rather than talking. People appreciate good listeners. Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in others. This not only helps you overcome anxiety but also allows you to learn more about the people you're interacting with.

Use networking events strategically

Before attending an event, research the participants and topics. This can help you identify people you'd like to connect with and give you talking points for conversations. Being prepared can boost your confidence.


Volunteering at events or for organisations in your field of interest can be a great way to meet people in a more relaxed setting. Working together towards a common goal can ease anxiety.

Join professional groups

Joining professional organisations related to your industry provides opportunities for networking in a structured environment. Attend meetings and events regularly to become familiar with the community.

Seek support

If anxiety is a significant challenge, consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor. They can provide coping strategies and help you address the underlying cause.

Celebrate small wins

Recognise and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Overcoming introversion and anxiety is a gradual process, and acknowledging your progress can boost your confidence.

Remember, networking is a skill that improves with practice. Be patient with yourself, take small steps, and gradually challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. For more guidance on this topic, click the button below to read my article on how to network to get a job.

How to face networking challenges

How to balance passion & practicality

How to balance passion & practicality

Balancing passion with practicality is crucial when pursuing your dream job, as it ensures that you can both enjoy your work and meet your practical needs. Here are some tips to help you achieve that balance.


Identify what you are truly passionate about and what aligns with your values. Consider your skills, strengths, and the activities that bring you joy.

Research the job market

Investigate the demand and job prospects in your chosen field. Understanding the practical aspects of your dream job, such as salary range, job availability, and growth potential, will help you make informed decisions.

Set realistic goals

Break down your dream job into smaller, achievable goals. This allows you to pursue your passion step by step while staying mindful of practical considerations. Set short-term and long-term objectives to keep yourself on track.

Develop a "plan B"

Identify alternative paths or related fields that align with your skills and interests. Having a backup plan can provide security and peace of mind, especially in uncertain job markets.

Talk to other professionals

Connect with professionals in your chosen industry to gain insights into the practical aspects of the job. Networking can provide valuable advice and guidance, helping you understand the realities of your dream career.

Financial planning

Be realistic about your financial situation. Consider the financial implications of pursuing your dream job, especially if it involves a career change or additional education. Budget and plan accordingly to avoid unnecessary stress.

Test the waters

Before fully committing, try to gain exposure to your dream job through internships, freelancing, or part-time work. This hands-on experience can provide a more accurate understanding of the day-to-day realities of the job.

Evaluate & adjust

Regularly assess your progress and satisfaction with your chosen path. Be open to adjusting your goals and plans based on your experiences and evolving interests.

Remember, finding the right balance between passion and practicality is an ongoing process. It's okay to adjust your course as needed and make decisions that align with both your dreams and the practical aspects of life.

How to combat a fear of rejection or failure

Dealing with a fear of rejection or failure in the search for your dream job can be challenging, but it's important to recognise that these feelings are common. Here are some strategies to help you cope with and overcome this fear.

Shift your mindset

Reframe rejection as a learning opportunity. Each rejection can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement.
Understand that failure is a natural part of any journey, and it often leads to growth and resilience.

Set realistic goals & expectations

Break down your job search into manageable goals. This could include setting a specific number of applications to submit each week or dedicating time to skill development. Celebrate achieving these smaller goals, as they contribute to the overall success of your job search.

Acknowledge that not every job application will result in success. Set realistic expectations and be prepared for setbacks. Focus on the process rather than just the outcome. Celebrate small victories, such as sending out a well-crafted application or preparing for an interview.

Build self-confidence

Identify and celebrate your strengths and achievements. Reflect on past successes to boost your confidence. Practice positive self-talk. Replace negative thoughts with affirmations that reinforce your capabilities and worth.

Learn from rejections

Use each rejection as an opportunity for self-improvement. Consider taking courses, gaining additional certifications, or acquiring new skills that align with your career goals.

Request feedback when possible. Constructive criticism can help you understand areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. Use rejection as an opportunity to refine your goals and tailor your approach. Adaptability is a valuable skill in the job search.

Reach out to others for support

Connect with mentors, friends, or support groups. Sharing your experiences with others can provide valuable perspectives and encouragement. Networking can open doors to new opportunities. Attend industry events, join professional organisations, and leverage social media platforms.

Develop resilience

Cultivate resilience by building coping mechanisms and stress management techniques. This could include activities like mindfulness, meditation, or exercise. Remember that setbacks are temporary, and the ability to bounce back is a key aspect of resilience.

Remember, the job search is a process, and it often involves facing rejection before finding the right opportunity. Stay persistent, stay positive, and continue to refine your approach based on your experiences.

How to combat a fear of rejection or failure

How to keep up with changing industry trends

How to keep up with changing industry trends

Keeping up with changing industry trends is crucial for professional growth and staying competitive in your field. Here are some strategies to help you stay informed.

Subscribe to industry publications

Identify reputable magazines, journals, blogs, and newsletters related to your industry. Subscribe to these publications to receive regular updates on the latest trends, research, and news.

Follow influential blogs & websites

Follow influential thought leaders, experts, and organisations in your field. Many industry experts share valuable insights, analysis, and trend predictions on their blogs or websites.

Join professional associations

Join industry-specific professional associations or organisations. These groups often provide resources, host conferences, and offer networking opportunities that can help you stay informed about industry trends.


As I've already discussed in this article, you should attend industry conferences, seminars, workshops, and networking events. Engage with professionals in your field, share experiences, and learn from others. Networking can provide firsthand insights into emerging trends and best practices.

Online forums & communities

Participate in online forums and communities related to your industry. Platforms like LinkedIn, Reddit, or specialised forums allow professionals to discuss trends, share insights, and ask questions.

Continuous learning & training

Invest time in continuous learning. Enroll in courses, webinars, and workshops to enhance your skills and stay updated on the latest developments. Many online platforms offer courses that cater to specific industries.

Regularly assess your skills and identify areas where you need to acquire new knowledge. This self-assessment will guide your learning efforts and keep you relevant in a rapidly changing industry.

Set up Google alerts

Use Google Alerts to receive notifications about specific keywords related to your industry. This can help you stay informed about news articles, blog posts, and other online content related to your field.

Social media monitoring

Follow industry-related hashtags, influencers, and companies on social media platforms. Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are especially useful for real-time updates and discussions.

Read research papers & whitepapers

Keep an eye on academic research papers and industry whitepapers. These documents often provide in-depth insights into emerging technologies and trends.

Mentorships & peer discussions

Establish mentorship relationships with experienced professionals in your industry. Discussing trends with mentors and peers can provide valuable perspectives and guidance.

Attend webinars & online events

Participate in webinars and virtual events. Many organisations host online sessions to discuss industry trends, share case studies, and provide insights.

By combining these strategies, you can create a comprehensive approach to staying informed about changing industry trends within your field of work.

How to maintain a good work-life balance

Maintaining a work-life balance, especially in a demanding field, is crucial for overall well-being and sustained career success. Here are some tips to help you achieve and maintain a healthy balance.

Set clear boundaries

Clearly define your work hours and stick to them as much as possible. Make sure your colleagues and superiors understand when you are available and when you are not. Avoid answering work emails or calls during your designated personal time.

Prioritise & delegate

Identify the most critical tasks at work and focus on those. Delegate non-essential tasks when possible. Understanding your priorities can help you manage your time more efficiently.

Learn to say "no"

It's okay to decline additional tasks or projects if you already have a full plate. Assess your workload realistically and communicate your limits. Saying no when necessary is an essential skill for maintaining balance.

Take breaks

Regular breaks throughout the day can enhance productivity and prevent burnout. Use breaks to step away from your work, stretch, take a walk, or do something enjoyable. These short breaks can refresh your mind and improve your overall well-being.

Schedule personal time

Just as you schedule work-related activities, allocate specific time for personal and family activities. Treat this time as non-negotiable and equally important as your work commitments.

Practice mindfulness techniques

Incorporate mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, into your routine. These techniques can help reduce stress and improve your ability to focus on the present moment.

Establish a support system

Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand the demands of your job. Share your concerns and feelings with them, and seek advice when needed.

Use technology wisely

Leverage technology to your advantage. Set up notifications or reminders to help you stay organised, but also be mindful of over-reliance on devices, as they can contribute to a constant work mindset.

Invest in hobbies & interests

Develop and maintain hobbies and interests outside of work. Having activities that you enjoy can provide a healthy escape and contribute to your overall happiness.

Regularly assess & adjust

Periodically evaluate your work-life balance and make adjustments as needed. Life circumstances and work demands may change, so staying flexible and adaptable is key.

Remember that achieving a perfect work-life balance is a continuous process, and it may require ongoing adjustments. It's essential to be proactive in managing your time and priorities to ensure long-term success and well-being.

How to maintain a good work-life balance

What to do if you're lacking experience

What to do if you're lacking experience

Getting a job when you lack experience can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some strategies to help you overcome the lack of experience and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Build relevant skills

Identify the skills required for the job you're interested in and focus on developing them. This could include technical skills, soft skills, or industry-specific skills. Take online courses, attend workshops, or participate in relevant projects to gain hands-on experience.

Volunteer or intern

Consider volunteering or interning in your desired field. This provides valuable experience, helps you build a network, and can lead to a paid position. Even short-term internships or volunteer opportunities can make a difference on your resume.


Attend industry events, workshops, and networking meetups to meet professionals in your field. Building connections can open doors and provide insights into job opportunities. Use online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals and join industry-specific groups.

Create a strong resume

Focus on showcasing your skills, education, and any relevant projects or experiences you've had. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements where possible. Even if your experience is limited, highlight what you have accomplished.

Customise your cover letter
Write a compelling cover letter that highlights your enthusiasm for the position and explains how your skills and background make you a good fit. Tailor each cover letter to the specific job you're applying for.

Use personal projects

If you don't have professional experience, showcase personal projects or independent work that demonstrates your skills and commitment to the field. This could include a portfolio, blog, or any relevant personal projects.

Be open to entry-level positions

Apply for entry-level positions or internships that don't require extensive experience. Many companies are willing to hire candidates with potential and train them on the job.

Ace the interview

Prepare for interviews by researching the company and practising common interview questions. Emphasise your eagerness to learn and your ability to adapt to new challenges.

Show enthusiasm

Demonstrate your passion for the industry during the application process. Employers often value enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.

Become a temp or freelancer

Consider taking on temporary or freelance work in your field. This can help you build a portfolio and gain practical experience.

Remember that persistence is key. Rejection is a part of the job search process, but each rejection is an opportunity to learn and improve your approach. Stay positive, keep refining your skills, and remain open to various opportunities. For further guidance, I encourage you to click the button below to read my article on how to get a job without experience.

Are you looking for a job?

Are you looking for a job?

Now that you better understand the steps you need to take to get your dream job, you should take a moment to check our current vacancies page.

At 11 Recruitment, we have a range of white-collar temp and perm jobs available. We're always on the lookout for top talent to place with our clients, so we encourage you to apply for any positions that are of interest.

If none of our current vacancies are right for you, you should register for job alerts. Then we’ll be able to notify you when we receive a position that matches your profile.

Christian Madsen

What are your thoughts?

I'd love to have a conversation with you about this topic - please leave a comment below if you have any thoughts or opinions 🙂

Christian Madsen

Managing Director of 11 Recruitment

  • Kevin Horstmann says:

    Thanks Christian!
    Great article, its a pity that its not always this straightforward. Candidates, me included, often feel like recruitment agencies are more just placement agencies that refer those easy to place candidates while companies may loose out on some very skilled candidates that are a bit harder to sell. No matter how hard you try and how many times you apply such incredible advice, you are still left in the wind.

    • Christian Madsen says:

      Hi Kevin, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the article – and thank you for providing your perspective!

      I completely understand your frustration. Your feelings are shared by many job seekers. While the process can be discouraging at times, there are a few steps I encourage you to consider taking to improve your chances.

      1) Network
      Building a strong professional network can help you bypass some of the traditional recruitment processes. Attend industry events, join relevant online forums, and connect with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn. Job opportunities sometimes arise through personal connections.

      2) Tailor your applications
      Customise your cover letter and resume for each job you apply for. Highlight your skills and experiences that directly relate to the specific role you’re interested in. This can make you a more attractive candidate to both recruiters and hiring managers. If you’re interested in learning more about writing a tailored cover letter, I have an article on the topic:

      3) Develop your skills
      Invest in continuous learning and skill development to stay competitive in your field. Demonstrating a commitment to personal and professional growth can help you stand out.

      4) Create a portfolio & online presence
      If applicable to your field, create an online portfolio or personal website showcasing your work and accomplishments. This can provide potential employers with a deeper understanding of your abilities. I also encourage you to spend some time setting up your LinkedIn profile. If you need guidance on how to do this, I have an article on the topic:

      5) Be persistence
      Job searching can be a numbers game, so don’t get discouraged by rejections or non-responses. Continue to apply for positions, follow up with applications, and stay persistent in your efforts.

      6) Seek feedback
      If you’re consistently facing challenges in securing interviews or job offers, consider seeking feedback from a mentor or someone you know within your industry. They may be able to provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

      It’s important to remember that the job hunting process can be unpredictable, as there are many factors at play. While it can be frustrating, perseverance and a proactive approach can increase your chances of finding the right opportunity.

      I wish you all the best in your job search 😊

  • Hi Christian, this is a great piece and I appreciate your time and and effort to make this great message available to us. Thank you kindly.

    • Christian Madsen says:

      Hi Abraham, thanks for your comment! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the article 🙂

  • Sir it’s a useful message to the candidates like me, I would be more appreciated if you can help me to land in the right job.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}
