How long does it take to hire a new employee?

Time to find the right candidate

The time it takes to hire a new employee can vary significantly based on several factors, including the industry, the specific role, the complexity of the hiring process, and the availability of candidates. However, on average, the hiring process takes about 24 to 42 days from posting the job to making a job offer.

Here is a breakdown of the various stages that contribute to this timeline:

Job posting & advertising (1-2 weeks)

This stage involves crafting a detailed and compelling job description that accurately reflects the role’s responsibilities and requirements. The job posting is then published on various platforms, including company websites, job boards, social media, and industry-specific sites, such as Indeed or LinkedIn. The time taken here includes waiting for applications to come in and ensuring the job advertisement reaches a broad and relevant audience.

Resume screening (1-2 weeks)

During this period, recruiters and hiring managers review the submitted applications to identify candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and preferred criteria. This process can involve using automated tools like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter out unqualified applicants, as well as manually reviewing resumes to assess experiences, skills, and potential fit with the company culture.

Interviews (1-3 weeks):

This phase typically includes multiple stages of interviews, starting with initial phone or video screenings to assess basic qualifications and interest. Successful candidates then move on to one or more rounds of more in-depth interviews, which might be conducted in person or virtually. These interviews often involve different stakeholders, such as hiring managers, team members, and senior leaders, and can include technical assessments, behavioral questions, and situational problem-solving exercises.

Reference & background checks (1-2 weeks)

Once top candidates are identified, the company conducts thorough reference checks to verify previous employment, performance, and character. This stage may also include background checks to confirm the candidate’s education, criminal history, and, where applicable, credit history. The thoroughness and extent of these checks can vary depending on the role and industry, potentially adding to the timeline.

Job offer & negotiation (1-2 weeks)

After selecting the preferred candidate, the company extends a formal job offer, which includes details about salary, benefits, start date, and other employment terms. This period allows for negotiations between the employer and candidate to finalize these terms. Both parties may need time to discuss and agree on the offer, which can involve additional internal approvals and revisions to the initial offer.

The overall timeline can be influenced by:

Role complexity

Senior or highly specialised positions may require a longer search to find suitable candidates due to the specific skill sets and extensive experience needed. These roles often demand a more thorough vetting process to ensure the candidate not only possesses the required technical expertise but also aligns with the company’s strategic goals and culture. Additionally, such positions might involve a broader search, sometimes even on a global scale, further extending the time-to-hire.

Hiring urgency

Urgent needs may expedite the process, compelling companies to accelerate their recruitment efforts. In such scenarios, companies might prioritise speed over thoroughness, possibly relying more on internal referrals or pre-existing talent pools to fill the position quickly. Conversely, for roles where there is no immediate pressure, the timeline might be more extended, allowing for a more deliberate and exhaustive search to ensure the best possible fit.

Company size & processes

Larger organisations with more formal hiring procedures may take longer than smaller, more agile companies due to multiple layers of approval, standardized steps, and possibly more stringent compliance requirements. Larger companies often involve more stakeholders in the decision-making process, which can lead to delays. In contrast, smaller companies typically have fewer bureaucratic hurdles and can make hiring decisions more swiftly, allowing them to be more responsive to potential candidates.

Market conditions

In a tight labour market with high demand for certain skills, the hiring process might take longer due to increased competition for top talent. Companies may need to invest more time in sourcing candidates, offering competitive compensation packages, and showcasing their employer brand to attract the best candidates. Additionally, candidates might receive multiple offers, leading to prolonged negotiation periods and potentially counter-offer situations, further extending the hiring timeline.

Organisations can sometimes reduce the time-to-hire by streamlining their processes, using technology for resume screening, and maintaining a talent pipeline for future openings. Implementing applicant tracking systems (ATS) can also help manage the recruitment workflow more efficiently. Additionally, fostering a strong employer brand can attract high-quality candidates more quickly, reducing the time spent sourcing applicants.

Providing a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring process can also lead to faster acceptance rates and reduced negotiation times. Regularly reviewing and optimising each stage of the hiring process ensures that it remains effective and competitive in attracting top talent, ultimately leading to better hiring outcomes and a stronger organisational workforce.

How long does it take to hire a new employee?

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